
Portrait: Dawn Schwack Dawn Schwack fell in love with photography in the 2nd grade when she made her own pinhole camera for the school science fair. Her need to document special events and hold on to the beauty of God’s creation only helped fuel her passion. Her wonderful and generous husband of 30+ years encourages her craft by gifting her camera gear and takes her and their 3 children to visit the National Parks. After being gifted a DSLR camera in 2005, Dawn was determined to learn more about photography by enrolling in courses through a website that not only has courses taught by professional photographers but a wonderful and engaging community. One of her classes led to having one of her images being published in a photography book. A former preschool teacher Dawn can be found working as a substitute teacher. During her time off you can expect her to be visiting her grown children in their respective states, digital scrapbooking her travels, or she’ll be planted on a beach reading a good book. This photgrapher uses a Nikon SLR, has been a BetterPhoto member since April 04, 2006.